Revitalizing Homeopathy

Dr. Tejal Jasani is a Holistic Homeopathic practitioner in Allen, TX (Dallas Fort Worth area), and is dedicated to providing the best benefits of Classical Homeopathic care for chronic and recurring diseases/ailments to all in-person/virtual cases all over the USA.

She has been married for 15 years and has 2 lovely children. Her hobbies are reading, going on long walks, practicing yoga, studying Vedic knowledge, practicing spirituality, listening to music, and learning Sanskrit.

She is an active member of the community and she continuously participates in spreading health information and spirituality through webinars and community volunteering.

Current Practice

She moved to USA in May, 2006 and since then, she healed family and friends with various chronic and acute illnesses. She is settled in Allen, Texas, and continuing her integrative practice by serving the entire DFW.


She earned her Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) in 1999 from the University of Mumbai via CMP Homeopathic Medical College. BHMS is a five and a half year long full-time course including one year of internship in a homeopathic hospital and confers a doctor's credential in India.

Further Education

She continued her learning with various courses:

  • CME in Diabetes from All India Institute of Diabetes
  • Nutritional consultant from GCNM, California in 2008


After her internship, Tejal worked intensely as a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) at various hospitals in Mumbai for five years through which she received invaluable clinical experience. She served as Sr. Manager Medical Services in Lifeline EMS Medical Services in India.

Further Experience

She had her private Holistic Homeopathic practice in Mumbai for five years and gained substantial success and popularity with many patients who are still reaching out to her for consultations.


She continued to expand her knowledge as an assistant to the well-known Homeopathic physicians Dr. Vijay Shah and Dr. Nanabhai in Mumbai. She was fortunate to acquire knowledge from world-renowned homeopaths like Dr. Shankaran, Dr. Farokh Master, Dr. Humranawala, Dr. Praful Vijaykar, and many more.

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