What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal itself.

The Meaning of Homeopathy

The word homeopathy is derived from two Greek words homeos meaning "similar" and pathos meaning "suffering". Translated literally, it means "similar suffering" and the treatment is based on the same philosophy, “like cures like”.

How Medicines Are Chosen

Homeopaths regard an individual’s physical, emotional and mental well-being as intimately connected, and treat an illness holistically, rather than as separate physical symptoms. The homeopath first obtains a complete overview of the patient. A remedy is then prescribed for that patient as an individual.

Where Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathy works on the vital force, not the gross body. It works on the emotional and mental levels to heal the person as a whole.

Why Homeopathy? Well...

Has no side-effects.

While conventional medicines act quickly, they can have unexpected side-effects. For every medicine given to the patient, often another one is needed to control its reaction. Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, have no side-effects.

Works on the person as a whole.

Homeopathy acts on the person as a whole, not just the disease. For example, if you were to cut down a tree, you don't cut the branches. You cut the roots. In the same way, homeopathy works on the root cause. Conventional medicines, on the other hand, work on the disease and try to cut branches instead of the root.

Is long-lasting.

Conventional medicines are given to treat different symptoms of the disease like pain, fever, colds, body ache, etc. They suppress the disease instead of curing it permanently. Homeopathy treats the actual disease that lurks within instead of just the symptoms caused by it. Hence, the result is long-lasting.

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